Your Awards, Your Say

As you may be aware, during 2023, Professionals Australia (PA) achieved some fantastic wins, including a 4% pay rise for Award employees, challenging the recruitment freeze, establishing the Engineering Matters Reference Group, and achieving a pay increase for many employees on TSSM contracts. 
But there is still much to accomplish, and that's why we are seeking member feedback in preparation for the commencement of award negotiations. We want to hear from you on what improvements and changes you would like to see in your Awards. 

The survey is open to all members and eligible non-members who work at Transport in engineering, professional, scientific or technical roles. All responses are confidential, and no individual responses will be shared with Transport. Your input will inform the development of our log of claims. If you are a PA member, please share this email with your team members and others in your section. 
The survey will be open for two weeks, and once the survey closes, PA will hold report-back meetings to finalise our log of claims. The Combined Transport Unions will also meet in March to discuss a joint log of claims and get member endorsement. 
If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact Natty Osorio at [email protected]

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