
Recommended contractor hourly rates for Professional Engineers and ICT professionals
Advice on business startup
As a Professionals Australia member, you have full-text access to our Guide to Getting Started in Small Business here. The Guide takes you through some of the basics of starting up a consulting business including different business structures and taxation issues and is a good starting point if you're considering contracting or consulting for the first time. You might also want to have a look at our advice on starting a new business during or after employment.
Business start-up checklist
(Microsoft Word Document)
Advice on professional liability and access to discounted PI insurance
Professional Indemnity insurance Professional indemnity insurance is a key part of managing risk for many professionals. While all professionals can benefit from the peace of mind provided by adequate insurance coverage, PI insurance is essential for professionals undertaking any consulting or contracting work for which they are individually liable. In conjunction with Austbrokers Countrywide, we offer competitive rates on Professional indemnity insurance to our consulting professionals and engineer members.

Click here to get a quote online, or make an obligation free inquiry
Fact sheet 4 - Caps and gaps
(Adobe PDF File)
Contract assistance
Professionals Australia’s Contractors and Consultants group provides members with contract assistance in the form of a range of pro-forma terms of engagement documents and personalised advice on your contract for service from Professionals Australia Lawyers.

For personalised advice on your contract for service from Professionals Australia solicitors – email [email protected].

As well as providing you with a range of standard terms of engagement documents, Professionals Australia’s Contractors and Consultants group provides you with access to Professionals Australia’s Legal Support Service for personalised advice on contracts for service. This service provides for members to obtain written advice on the shortcomings and potential exposures of a contract (the solicitors will not develop the terms of engagement itself). To obtain the opinion of a solicitor on your contract for service, contact us at [email protected] with an electronic copy of the terms of engagement you’d like an opinion on. Arrangements will be made to obtain comments from one of our experienced team of solicitors. We aim to complete these reviews within 7-10 business days but the timeframe may vary with work commitments and staff availability – if this is likely to cause difficulties, you may prefer to seek advice from an external solicitor. Members should note that advice on contract terms relating to intellectual property, patents and taxation or advice on the legality of particular company structures require specialised expertise and we are therefore not in a position to advise in these areas.
Consulting Services Agreement (Word)
(Microsoft Word Document)
Advice on working through a labour hire agency
This Guide explains various contracting options and takes you through the pros and cons of the different types of arrangements. It explains what makes a good agency, the points at which you have most leverage, what your responsibilities are and the terms you should ensure are included in your contract.
Help deciding if you’re a contractor or an employee
To further clarify the difference between employment and commercially-based arrangements and how employee/contractor status is determined, you can refer to the article called “How contractor/employee status is determined" here, or refer to 10 Ways to Tell if You’re a Contractor.
Advice for early-career professionals considering contracting
For new or recent graduates, independent contracting lacks all-important opportunities for supervision by experienced professionals and for training and professional development, and matters of professional indemnity insurance are especially problematic. There are significant risks attached to taking on a consulting career too early so Professional Contractors and Consultants Australia advises young professionals looking to a consulting career to exercise caution and patience. Read more.
Guidance on intellectual property