Professionals Australia supports an Indigenous Voice to Parliament

In 2017, Professionals Australia members threw their full support behind the Uluru Statement From the Heart.
This year, we continue a long tradition of unionism, walking side-by-side with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander activists.
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The Uluru Statement came from the largest consensus of First Nations peoples and explicitly called for the establishment of a First Nations Voice enshrined in the Constitution.

Indigenous Australians have lived here for over 65,000 years,
but Australia’s Constitution doesn’t recognise their unique status.

This vote will give all Australians the chance to come together and consider a change to our Constitution that will honour and celebrate the rights, history, and ongoing relationship of Indigenous Australians with this land.

This Referendum is a once in a lifetime opportunity to make a major positive impact now and for future generations.
Professionals Australia joins hundreds of thousands of union members across Australia in Unions for Yes.

Together we must ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices are heard
on matters that directly affect them.

Click the link below to pledge your yes vote, stay up to date with the campaign, and join Professionals Australia to be part of a collective voice for fairness, equality and respect in our workplaces and in our country!

Follow PA on social media and tag us at #PA4YES to show your support for the campaign!